On the 4th and 5th May 2022, the iDMT is organising a Learning Lab Workshop for companies in molecular sciences and manufacturing who are at the start of their digitalisation journey.
This event will enable companies to learn about emerging digitalisation opportunities and their practical implementations. This will be an opportunity for collaborative learning based on real-life experiences, delivered on the theme of digitalising chemistry.
Who should apply?
Small companies and early-stage start-ups with an interest in developing their understanding of how the digitalisation of chemistry can be implemented within a business context.
Successful applicants will be invited to attend the workshop in person, free of charge, including the workshop, individual support session from University of Cambridge academics, and refreshments including lunch on both workshop days.
The workshop will include the topics of cybersecurity, data science and data-use for R&D, operations, and manufacturing, blockchain technology and its potential applications in the sector, advances in robotic technology for chemistry and bio-technology, and advances in artificial intelligence for molecular technologies.
Case studies will be presented by small businesses who are already experienced in their sector, and complemented by University of Cambridge researchers working at the cutting-edge of digital developments.
Each session will include interactive discussions and participants are invited to bring their in-house challenges and potential application examples, for discourse with the University academics, industry solution providers, and other participants. One-to-one support will also be provided, potentially leading to full project support with the iDMT.
Application deadline: 28 April 2022 17:00 GMT
Data &
Digital Networks
Digital Security
& Digital Labs
New methods
AI for Chemistry
Machine Learning
Knowledge Graphs
Digital Security
Cloud-based labs
Workshop leaders:
Join this workshop to:
Explore the many facets of the digital molecular technology landscape
Learn from leading innovators driving development
Meet other companies at varying stages of digital discovery and implementation
Gain valuable insights into your product or service ideas, or develop new ideas and gain valuable insight into risk mitigation
Can lead to the opportunity to work on a project idea at the iDMT
Individuals and members of larger corporations who are not eligible can apply to view presentations remotely, however will not be privy to discussions and will not have access to personalised support. The University of Cambridge invites interested large companies to reach out for interactions outside of the iDMT project, please contact the iDMT Project Manager.
How to Apply
Please register your interest through Eventbrite and you will receive an application pack. The application includes an eligibility form for our funders (see below for our Eligibility guidelines). Successful applicants will be expected to attend both days of the workshop and sign a confidentiality agreement so that free discourse can take place.